1st Edition: 1: Mage: the Ascension 3: The Book of Chantries 5: Technocracy: Progentiors 6: Digital Web 7: The Book of Shadows 9: Technocracy: Iteration X 10: The Book of Madness 11: Technocracy: New World Order 12: Ascension’s Right Hand The Fragile Path – Tales of the First Cabal 2nd Edition: 13: Mage: the Ascension 2nd Edition Teil 1 Teil 2 14: Hidden Lore and Storytellers Screen 15: Technocracy: Void Engineers 16: Horizon: the Stronghold of Hope 17: The Book of Crafts 18: Beyond the [...]
1st Edition: 1: Mage: the Ascension 3: The Book of Chantries 5: Technocracy: Progentiors 6: Digital Web 7: The Book of Shadows 9: Technocracy: Iteration X 10: The Book of Madness 11: Technocracy: New World Order 12: Ascension’s Right Hand The Fragile Path – Tales of the First Cabal 2nd Edition: 13: Mage: the Ascension 2nd Edition Teil 1 Teil 2 14: Hidden Lore and Storytellers Screen 15: Technocracy: Void Engineers 16: Horizon: the Stronghold of Hope 17: The Book of Crafts 18: Beyond the [...]
1st Edition: 1: Mage: the Ascension 3: The Book of Chantries 5: Technocracy: Progentiors 6: Digital Web 7: The Book of Shadows 9: Technocracy: Iteration X 10: The Book of Madness 11: Technocracy: New World Order 12: Ascension’s Right Hand The Fragile Path – Tales of the First Cabal 2nd Edition: 13: Mage: the Ascension 2nd Edition Teil 1 Teil 2 14: Hidden Lore and Storytellers Screen 15: Technocracy: Void Engineers 16: Horizon: the Stronghold of Hope 17: The Book of Crafts Tradition Books: [...]
1st Edition: 1: Mage: the Ascension 3: The Book of Chantries 5: Technocracy: Progentiors 6: Digital Web 7: The Book of Shadows 9: Technocracy: Iteration X 10: The Book of Madness 11: Technocracy: New World Order 12: Ascension’s Right Hand The Fragile Path – Tales of the First Cabal 2nd Edition: 13: Mage: the Ascension 2nd Edition Teil 1 Teil 2 14: Hidden Lore and Storytellers Screen 15: Technocracy: Void Engineers 16: Horizon: the Stronghold of Hope Tradition Books: Five Traditions, [...]
1st Edition: 1: Mage: the Ascension 3: The Book of Chantries 5: Technocracy: Progentiors 6: Digital Web 7: The Book of Shadows 9: Technocracy: Iteration X 10: The Book of Madness 11: Technocracy: New World Order 12: Ascension’s Right Hand The Fragile Path – Tales of the First Cabal 2nd Edition: 13: Mage: the Ascension 2nd Edition Teil 1 Teil 2 14: Hidden Lore and Storytellers Screen 15: Technocracy: Void Engineers Tradition Books: Five Traditions, gathered Five Traditions, assembled 20th [...]
Der Ingo, drüben von Obskures, der ist Schuld. Er hatte kurz vor unserem Umzug auf Twitter gefragt welche denn nach Meinung seiner Follower die coolsten Organisationen im Rollenspiel seien. Mir ist auf die Schnelle keine gute Antwort eingefallen, aber ich habe ihm versprochen einen Artikel daraus zu machen. Ich habe mir selbst noch die Beschränkungen aufgelegt das es Organisationen sein müssen, denen sich die Spieler anschließen können, da gut gemachte Organisationen eine gute [...]
1st Edition: 1: Mage: the Ascension 3: The Book of Chantries 5: Technocracy: Progentiors 6: Digital Web 7: The Book of Shadows 9: Technocracy: Iteration X 10: The Book of Madness 11: Technocracy: New World Order 12: Ascension’s Right Hand The Fragile Path – Tales of the First Cabal 2nd Edition: 13: Mage: the Ascension 2nd Edition Teil 1 Teil 2 14: Hidden Lore and Storytellers Screen Tradition Books: Five Traditions, gathered Five Traditions, assembled 20th Anniversary Edition: 20th [...]
1st Edition: 1: Mage: the Ascension 3: The Book of Chantries 5: Technocracy: Progentiors 6: Digital Web 7: The Book of Shadows 9: Technocracy: Iteration X 10: The Book of Madness 11: Technocracy: New World Order 12: Ascension’s Right Hand 2nd Edition: 13: Mage: the Ascension 2nd Edition Teil 1 Teil 2 14: Hidden Lore and Storytellers Screen 20th Anniversary Edition: 20th Anniversary Edition Quickstart Mage: the Ascension – 20th Anniversary Edition Teil 1 Teil 2 Teil 3 Weitere World of [...]
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